Dentures and partials are an affordable and popular solution for those who have lost one or more teeth. Dentures can be made to look like your natural teeth, and they can be custom fit to your mouth. Partials are used when you have some natural teeth remaining. Dentures and partials can help improve your appearance and give you the ability to chew properly.

If you are considering dentures or partials, it is important to find a dental office that specializes in this type of care. Dentures & Partials in Tampa FL offers a wide range of services to meet your needs. We offer custom-made dentures and partials that are realistic and comfortable. We also offer a variety of payment options to make our services affordable for everyone.

Smile Venue Dental in Tampa FL is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care. We offer a variety of services such as:

  • Dentures
  • Partials
  • Denture Repair

We understand that getting dental work done can be stressful, so we do everything we can to make your experience as relaxed and comfortable as possible. We offer sedation dentistry options to help you feel more at ease during your appointment.

Reasons For Dentures

  • You have lost all of your natural teeth.
  • You have lost most of your natural teeth.
  • Your natural teeth are severely damaged or decayed and cannot be repaired.
  • You have a medical condition that requires the removal of your natural teeth.

Benefits Of Dentures Or Partials

  • Dentures and partials can help improve your appearance by giving you a full, healthy-looking smile.
  • Dentures and partials can help improve your ability to chew properly.
  • Dentures and partials can help fill out the appearance of your face.
  • Dentures and partials are an affordable solution for replacing missing teeth.

Types Of Dentures

Full Dentures – Full dentures are used when you have lost all of your natural teeth. They are made to look like your natural teeth and can be custom fit to your mouth.

Partial Dentures – Partial dentures are used when you have some natural teeth remaining. They attach to your natural teeth and fill in the gaps left by missing teeth.

Immediate Dentures – Immediate dentures are placed as soon as your natural teeth are removed. This type of denture is not as fitted as a traditional denture, but it does allow you to have a full set of teeth during the healing process.

Denture Care

  • Dentures should be removed at night and soaked in a denture cleanser to keep them clean and moist.
  • Dentures should be brushed daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Avoid using regular toothpaste, as it can be too abrasive for dentures.
  • Dentures should be inspected regularly for wear and tear. If you notice any damage, bring them to your dentist to have them repaired or replaced.
  • Dentures can break if they are dropped, so handle them with care.
  • It is important to see your dentist for regular checkups to ensure that your dentures are fitting properly and to check for any damage.

If you are considering dentures or partials, in Tampa FL can help. We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs. We also offer financing options to make our services more affordable. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation! Dentures and partials can be an excellent way to improve your appearance and chewing ability.