Home > blog > Is Tongue Scraping Necessary?

21 October 2023

Oral hygiene is a cornerstone of a healthy mouth and overall well-being. While brushing and flossing are standard practices, tongue scraping is a lesser-known yet potentially beneficial addition to your oral care routine. This article aims to delve into the necessity of tongue scraping for oral health, exploring its advantages and potential drawbacks while referencing the American Dental Association (ADA) and insights from Smile Venue Dental.

The Pros Of Tongue Scraping

Bacteria Removal and Fresher Breath: Tongue scraping effectively removes the bacterial buildup on the tongue’s surface. The tongue harbors a significant amount of bacteria, which, if left unchecked, can contribute to bad breath or halitosis. By scraping the tongue, you can reduce the bacterial load, which often leads to fresher breath. This reduction in bacteria can not only improve breath but also contribute to better overall oral health.

Enhanced Taste Sensation:

The cleanliness of your tongue can have a positive impact on your taste sensation. A cleaner tongue allows you to taste and savor food and beverages more effectively, which can enhance your overall eating experience.

Reduced Risk Of Dental Issues

Regular tongue scraping may help reduce the risk of dental problems such as cavities and gum disease. By eliminating bacteria and food debris on the tongue’s surface, you contribute to a healthier oral environment.

Quick And Easy Practice:

Tongue scraping is a simple and time-efficient practice. It only takes a minute or two and requires minimal investment in terms of tools. This makes it an easily accessible addition to your oral hygiene routine.

The Cons Of Tongue Scraping

Discomfort And Sensitive Gag Reflex:

Some individuals may find tongue scraping uncomfortable, especially those with a sensitive gag reflex. The potential discomfort can deter them from incorporating this practice into their daily routine.

Potential For Tongue Irritation

Aggressive tongue scraping can lead to tongue irritation, which is counterproductive to good oral health. It’s crucial to use gentle strokes to avoid damaging the taste buds and the sensitive tissues on the tongue’s surface.

Lack Of Comprehensive Scientific Evidence:

While there is anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of tongue scraping, comprehensive scientific research is somewhat limited. Some dental professionals argue that a well-rounded oral hygiene routine, including regular brushing and flossing, may suffice for maintaining oral health.

Masking Poor Oral Hygiene:

Some critics argue that tongue scraping may serve as a mask for poor oral hygiene practices. Relying solely on tongue scraping to combat bad breath or other oral issues can be counterproductive if it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem.

Expert Insights From The American Dental Association (ADA)

The ADA recognizes the potential benefits of tongue scraping, especially in terms of fresher breath and reduced bacterial load. However, the ADA emphasizes that tongue scraping should not be a substitute for essential oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing. These practices remain crucial for most individuals.

Smile Venue Dental’s Perspective

Smile Venue Dental, a trusted name in dental care, believes in taking a holistic approach to oral health. We place a strong emphasis on patient education and the importance of maintaining a comprehensive oral hygiene routine. While acknowledging the potential benefits of tongue scraping, we recommend discussing its inclusion in an individual’s oral care regimen with their dental professionals. This ensures that tongue scraping complements their oral health routine without causing harm or leading to over-reliance.


In summary, tongue scraping offers several potential advantages, including fresher breath, reduced bacterial load, and enhanced taste sensation. By eliminating bacteria buildup, it may contribute to better oral health and a more pleasant overall oral environment. However, tongue scraping is not a universal necessity, and its inclusion in one’s oral hygiene routine should be based on personal preferences and specific needs.

The ADA advises that tongue scraping should not replace essential oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing, which are fundamental for maintaining oral health. Smile Venue Dental underscores the importance of a well-rounded approach to oral health and recommends discussing the incorporation of tongue scraping with dental professionals. While it may have its merits, it’s essential to remember that the fundamental principles of good oral hygiene should always take precedence. Consult dental professionals, like those at Smile Venue Dental, to determine the best practices for your unique oral health needs.